Here is a listing of all of my blog posts about Mohammad Anwar’s excellent Weekly Challenge, where hackers submit solutions in Perl, Raku, or any other language, to two different challenges every week.
- PWC 300 › “You there, Perl, may you live forever!”
- PWC 290 › Seeing Double, Twice!
- PWC 289 › 3rd Maximum and Jbmueld Wrods
- PWC 277 › We were a Strong Pair, but now we’re Counting Common
- PWC 276 › Maximum Frequency and now my Day is Complete
- PWC 259 › Bank Holidays and Line Parser
- PWC 258 › Counting Digits and Summing Values
- PWC 171 › Odd Abundant Numbers
- PWC 171 › First Class Functions
- PWC 170 › Primordial Numbers and Kronecker Products
- PWC 169 › Brilliant and Achilles Numbers
- PWC 168 › Perrin Primes
- PWC 168 › Home Prime
- PWC 167 › Circular Primes
- PWC 167 › Lanczos Gamma Approximation
- PWC 166 › K-Directory Diff
- PWC 166 › Hexadecimal Words
- PWC 165 › Simple SVG generator
- PWC 164 › Palindromic Primes
- PWC 164 › Happy Numbers
- PWC 163 › A tail of two sums
- PWC 162 › Wheatstone–Playfair Cipher
- PWC 162 › ISBN-13
- PWC 161 › Pangrams
- PWC 161 › Abecedarian Words
- PWC 110 › Phone Number Validation
- PWC 110 › Transpose CSV File
- PWC 056 › Path Sum
- PWC 056 › Diff-K
- PWC 054 › Collatz Conjecture
- PWC 054 › kth Permutation
- PWC 053 › Vowel Strings
- PWC 053 › Matrix Rotation
- PWC 052 › Lucky Winner
- PWC 052 › Stepping Numbers
- PWC 051 › 3Sum and Colourful Numbers
- PWC 050 › Noble Integers
- PWC 050 › Merge Intervals
- PWC 049 › LRU Cache
- PWC 049 › Smallest multiple containing only 1 and 0
- PWC 048 › Survivor (Josepheus problem)
- PWC 048 › Palindrome Dates (mm/dd/yyyy)
- PWC 047 › Roman Calculator
- PWC 047 › Gapful Numbers
- PWC 046 › Cryptic Message
- PWC 046 › Is the Room Open? (500 Doors)
- Quine
- Square Secret Code
- Make it $200
- Only 100, please
- Self-descriptive Numbers
- Olympic Rings
- Balanced Parentheses
- Octal Representation
- Leonardo Numbers
- Attractive Numbers
- Zip6
- Reverse Polish Notation